March 30, 2014

Paper File for Research

I use old school and new school files – this is for old school, paper files for the information I am collecting.  As I do my research I may accumulate information by mail, e-mail, or coping on people and families.  I need a place for these items to go so when I start to work on that person or family again I have all new items in one location.  I make a file for each family as I start to put more work in to them (I do not have a file for all families on my tree yet).  I start with a label “GEORGE MILTON BAITY & ELIZABETH MARGARET JOHNSTON” (this family is green, I color code may families I will review this later).  On the cover of the file in the right corner I mark how they are related to me “Great Grandparents”, marriage dated, marriage location, then their first name and life span “George Milton 1875-1923”.  On the left side I list the children in order with life span and married name if they are female, then I star the direct line connection to me if there is one “* 5. Clarence Milton Baity 1912-1999”.

I then file all items in the file pertaining to this family for easy location.  Now if the a child’s items become too much I start a file for the child and label it as “LEONARD EUGENE MAYO  - CHILD #1 - BRUCE D. & ELNORA MAYO”.  I then have filing tube to hold these, on for my paternal and one for my maternal side.

I like the container better then filing cabinets because they are ready to travel by car to any place I might need them.

Other labels can be surname related like "BAITY - CEMETERY RECORDS" and marriage records, obituaries, census records, miscellaneous.  They can be what ever you need.

I hope this help you start your file, next I will go over my computer files.

Happy Researching Michelle

March 26, 2014

Organizing Your Records

Now that you have started your family search and have filled out the Pedigree Charts and Family Group Sheet regarding all you have learn, now you need to decide how you are going to keep your records.  This is a VERY IMPORTANT STEP but remember that you can refine your methods as you go along.

I started out with the Binder System, one binder per surname and then later on one color for paternal and maternal sides.  I found this work out to start but for some of my surname the binder got bigger (1” to up to 4”) as I went a long very quickly and some were just find with the starting size I bought.  I also one time took them on a research trip, thank god we went in a car or I could not have taken all I would have need on a plane (not paying the extra baggage fee).

Now I use a combination for file folders and folders on my computer.  I have a file folder per family (labeled Bruce Driskell MAYO & Elnora Maxine Pitts) and keep a Family Group Sheet and my Census Recap Form and any miscellaneous items I have not scan or sure if it is important.  I can take the files need for a research trip with me and now have a place to file and paper from a trip until I can update my computer program.  Now when I say on my computer I mean I scan documents and us Word and Excel form and keep them in folder per Family Name, then the Couples Name and then some times Childs Name.  Once this is set up then you can look into a Genealogy Program to input your information into.  You can also just use or to keep your family tree on with so you do not need to pay for a computer program.

Remember there is OneNote, Evernotes, and other note programs you could also use.  I am not user of these ways so I do not have any input.  Just remember someone has probably make a blog or YouTube recording that can help.

Now you can search the web for help on Organizing Your Genealogy and come across many helpful pages, there are also books written on the subject.

Whatever system you use remember KISS keep it simple stupid.

I will next post with pictures the systems I use next just to give you some ideas.


March 23, 2014

How To Start - Making a Good Foundation

Today most people want to start and have all the answer waiting for them to be found.  Well if this is your genealogy is not for you, it will at years (I mean many years) until you find some people and the sad point is you may never finish before you become one of the people other are searching for.  So start out slow and build a good foundation to make your future searches easier.

I am telling you not to buy a program or books until you know this long journey is one your want to take because this can be an expensive hobby to get involved with.  So go to for to get FREE forms to start.  When you start it is with you and the new event in your life, example for most we research it is Death, Marriage, then Birth.  So print out a Family Group Sheet (many you need one for each family you find) and Pedigree Chart (just a couple to start, I use a 4 Generation Chart more room to write on).  Now on the Pedigree Chart start with you and fill in all that you know, then go to your parents and have them review to correct and add to, then go to your grandparents and do the same, etc to all in the family who as information to help.  While you are review and ask all you know ask if the have certificates, journals, or any paperwork that can help you and make copies, if they will not let you take them with you ask if you can go with then some place to have copies made.

Now as families have spread through the country or outside the country this could take some time but like I said you need to make a good foundation or Tree Truck and Branch to make Your Tree Strong.  Trust me it is easy to get on the wrong track by using the Internet from information someone else has done because they did not do the hard leg work to make a good foundation.

Your basic need would be:

  1. Printed Forms
  2. Pencil (pen is bad - trust me you will need to erase)
  3. Paper Clips - to keep all the info for one family together 
  4. Money - for copies of anything people may have
  5. Patience - this is a long term project when you get frustrated take time off it will help
  6. Contact Person - after a person you ask reviews our work ask WHO you should ask next
I hope this helps new and old genealogist and Happy Hunting.

First Post of My Blog

Not sure why I wanted to do a blog, but here are some of the reason I did.  I know to do genealogy you need HELP.  There are books, professional, and other like me who have been doing it for years.  So I though I would go over how and what I learn to may help just one other person.  Also I will talk about the families I am researching to maybe connect will a long lost cousin.  I am hoping my mom with do this with me because after she retired she to got the genealogy bug and in return taught me a new thing or two.

Just remember why reinvent the wheel when all you may need to do is tweak it to fit your needs.

Happy hunting for the family you have yet to find.
