March 23, 2014

How To Start - Making a Good Foundation

Today most people want to start and have all the answer waiting for them to be found.  Well if this is your genealogy is not for you, it will at years (I mean many years) until you find some people and the sad point is you may never finish before you become one of the people other are searching for.  So start out slow and build a good foundation to make your future searches easier.

I am telling you not to buy a program or books until you know this long journey is one your want to take because this can be an expensive hobby to get involved with.  So go to for to get FREE forms to start.  When you start it is with you and the new event in your life, example for most we research it is Death, Marriage, then Birth.  So print out a Family Group Sheet (many you need one for each family you find) and Pedigree Chart (just a couple to start, I use a 4 Generation Chart more room to write on).  Now on the Pedigree Chart start with you and fill in all that you know, then go to your parents and have them review to correct and add to, then go to your grandparents and do the same, etc to all in the family who as information to help.  While you are review and ask all you know ask if the have certificates, journals, or any paperwork that can help you and make copies, if they will not let you take them with you ask if you can go with then some place to have copies made.

Now as families have spread through the country or outside the country this could take some time but like I said you need to make a good foundation or Tree Truck and Branch to make Your Tree Strong.  Trust me it is easy to get on the wrong track by using the Internet from information someone else has done because they did not do the hard leg work to make a good foundation.

Your basic need would be:

  1. Printed Forms
  2. Pencil (pen is bad - trust me you will need to erase)
  3. Paper Clips - to keep all the info for one family together 
  4. Money - for copies of anything people may have
  5. Patience - this is a long term project when you get frustrated take time off it will help
  6. Contact Person - after a person you ask reviews our work ask WHO you should ask next
I hope this helps new and old genealogist and Happy Hunting.

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